Rebounding on a Quality Mini trampoline

Nourishes and Protects Your Whole Body eliminating unnecessary stress impact on your joints


When exercising on a floor or jogging on a pavement your spine can absorb up to five times the normal force of walking. As you land, vertical shock waves can spread from the ankles to your bones and spine. Shock waves can travel from the top of the spine and deflect off the skull, setting up additional standing waves.


Impact shocks cause energy stored in your muscles to 'fly' to the protection of your feet, knees, ankles, hips and back. Joggers often suffer micro-trauma injuries to knees, heels and ankles.


When impact shock is transmitted, via the hips to each vertebrae and disc to the skull, the discs act as shock absorbers.

However they can only reduce the shock at each level. From my experience in coaching rebounding workouts I  see that rebounding on a  poorly designed rebounder can load tension back into the body rather than removing it.


It is important to use a quality rebounder for mini trampoline workouts and to establish mini trampoline workout skills that ensure you are performing all rebounding workouts with perfect posture and rebounding exercise technique.


However well documented the benefits of rebounding exercises may be in eliminating stress impact on joints, it is essential to plan your rebounding exercise workouts to include the elements of a well-balanced functional workout plan

Just rebounding alone can never provide the essential elements of a balanced health and fitness programme.With a Starbound approach to 5 Star Fitnessyou reap benefits as you bounce




At the same time you are able to use your mini trampoline to support the essential fitness components of mobility, conditioning, and deep stretch, within you weekly mini trampollne rebounding exercise workouts